Dr Louise Richardson-Self
Louise Richardson-Self is a feminist theorist and Lecturer of Philosophy and Gender Studies at the University of Tasmania. She is currently an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Awardee (2019–2021) and is writing her second book entitled Hate Speech Against Women Online: Concepts and Countermeasures (contracted with Rowman & Littlefield International’s Social Imaginaries series, forthcoming 2021). Louise’s first book, Same-Sex Marriage: A Philosophical Investigation (also with Rowman & Littlefield Intl.), was published in 2015 and is a revised version of her PhD research. Her PhD was awarded in Philosophy from the University of Sydney in June 2014. Louise’s extensive publications in social philosophy and feminist theory have been commended in numerous ways. For her research on marriage equality, she was awarded the Australian Academy of the Humanities’ Max Crawford Medal in 2016. For an article on epistemic injustice and recognition theory, she was awarded the Australasian Association of Philosophy’s Annette Baier Prize in 2019. Also in 2019, for her body of research to date, she was awarded the University of Tasmania’s College of Arts, Law, and Education Early Career Researcher Award. She has been a contributing editor to Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities since 2018, and is also a member of the Australasian Association of Philosophy Committee for the Status of Women in Philosophy. Her research interests are women’s rights, queer rights, tolerance and respect, identity, and speech-based harms.
Relevant Publications:
- Richardson-Self, Louise. 2019a. “Cisheteromisogyny Online.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (3): 573–587.
- Richardson-Self, Louise. 2014. “Same-Sex Marriage: Zero Tolerance.” Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy 21: 113–124.
- Richardson-Self, Louise. Forthcoming. “‘There are only two genders – male and female…’: An Analysis of Online Responses to News of Tasmania Removing ‘Gender’ from Birth Certificates,” International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law (inaugural issue, accepted for publication 25 Feb 2020).